What would I do?

What would I do if everything was in peace?

Would I enjoy it? Would I enjoy myself?
Would I love it? Would I love myself?

If everything needs to be in peace before I can be in peace,
and if everybody feels the same, then nobody can ever be in peace.

I sit and breathe.

I breathe in and I breathe out.

I do the most important,
the most simple
the most beautiful thing.

I participate in life.

With every in-breath I receive everything that is.
With every out-breath I give everything I am.

With every in-breath I receive life.
With every out-breath I give life.

I am life.

It is time to be in peace.
There is no conflict.

It is time to end all struggle.
There is nothing to fight.

What can I create when I'm in conflict?
What can I create when I'm not in peace?


What can I create when I am in peace?


It is simple.
This is the hardest part.

It is simple.

What would I do if everything was in peace?